Friday, November 23, 2007

"Things sure have changed"

When I was growing up , Thanksgiving was a day that we all dressed up for our Turkey Dinner. Dad, would always have his suit on and my Sisters and I had our new Sunday going to church outfits on. Brother Bob, had a cute little suit with a tie that he just hated to wear. But that is the way it way back then. You dressed for dinner.

Well, when my Grand Daughter came for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, I was surprised at what she was wearing for this blessed day of thanksgiving. Now, she has always made a fashion statement when going out, but this outfit was, out there, if you know what I mean.

What ever happened to all of the good old fashioned traditions? Going to church at midnight on Christmas Eve, singing Christmas Carroll's, dressing for dinner?

Oh well, the Turkey was great and all had a wonderful thanksgiving day. (Except for Tom Turkey, of course!)

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