Thursday, August 30, 2007

"My Special Table"

There is a great story behind this very Special Table. Goooooing back in time, I think about 1965. (not sure, Mom correct me if I am wrong) Mom bought this table at Bruners ( furniture store in Sacramento). I remember her saying this is such a special table. She paid, I think, over $300.00 for the piece at the time. That was a lot of cash to spend, seeing that Mom and Dad were school educators and did not have a lot of extra cash to spend on unnecessary furniture items. But, I remember, Mom, just had to have it. So, it was delivered to our home in Rancho Cordova, Calif. and it stayed in our living room for as long as I can remember.

What is very special about this piece of furniture, is that I had a special moment in time as a young teen next to this table. (DH)

This table has been traveling around the family for some time. Sister Karen had it in her living room . I am not sure if Sister Betsy had it, as she has always said that she hated it. Brother Bob, never really liked it much either. But it did do some traveling. It was always understood, that I was the one that was going to get this table. I just could not ever get it to the east coast.( that is the problem, with inheriting things if you are not local )

I was told that Sister Karen sold this table in a yard sale, or to a friend of hers. I was told that this special table was painted black. YUK!!! Mom found this out and was very upset at Sister Karen. Soooo! Sister Karen got in touch with the person she sold the table to and retrieved it immediately. Mom refinished the table and restored it to its original condition. (Mom's are so nice)

Ok, now the table is back at Mom's. Phew!!! Now, what to do? Yes!!!! I have a friend that has an Uncle that drives truck across country. Yessss!! He has agreed to go to Mom's house in Roseville, Calif and pick up the table and ship it to my home.

It was shipped in less than a month and delivered, undamaged to my home. Now, my special table is finally with me. In my living room, where it belongs.

Now! DH, has expressed to me that he doesn't want me to leave him anything when I pass on. But, DH! You are being willed this table, like it our not. You were conceived next to this table, many memories and I want you to have it.

Life shares us special moments. This is one that I will always treasure. "My Special Table"


Deborah Gamble said...

Oh my gosh, Joanne! I only have one question. Where were your parents? DH answered already with a smile, "Obviously not home."

Anonymous said...

So funny Joanne - but I do hope you mean "DS" when you type "DH"...cause otherwise, this is just weird! LOL
