Well, the count down begins for my final departure as a full time employee at the good old N&D. Friday, June 29th 2007 is my last day of employment. Bitter-sweet emotions fill my head at this time. The decision has been made and there is no turning back. Hmmmm! What is next?
Yesterday, I had a dentist appointment in the early morning (yuk) and on the way back to work, I stopped in to see about a job opportunity that was knocking at my door. This is an Insurance Agency in a small community near home. Seems nice the people were great to talk to. First, I met the Big Guy, Mr. Murphy. Jovial and very friendly. Seem ok so far! Then I met Miss Jones the young HR Manager with her three piece suit and high heels with matching Coach bag. The interview begins. Now mind you, I have conducted countless interviews in my career and this one , I could tell was going to be a nightmare. First came the personality test. I guess I passed that with flying colors, stupid as it was. Then the questions. "Joanne, What is your greatest accomplishment"? (to make it through this interview, I thought) "Joanne what motivates you"? (God, I always hated that question) "Joanne, Where do you want to be in 5 years?" ( this one really got me. RETIRED! Hello??? Joanne. What are you doing here?)
Well, I said my goodbyes and graciously thanked everyone for their time and exited the building, went back to my car and just pondered and reviewed what had just taken place. Joanne, (I talk to myself at times when I am confused about things) what the heck are you thinking? You are retiring! Go home and review your options again. So I did just that. I came home, fixed myself a glass of the red stuff (not cool-aid) and reviewed my options. After carefully reviewing all areas of my Wheel of Life,(took a course in Personal Development) and I determined that this retirement thing that I am embracing is really going to work out for me. I don't have to get another job if I don't want to. I can stay home, join the local college's health facility and relax. What a great feeling and I am doing just that. I leave for California in July to spend time with the family and old friends, return to work for a few months then... RETIREMENT! Yeepie!
I do plan on doing something with my time, but it won't be in Insurance. Perhaps a career change is in order. I know, I'll hang a shingle out and counsel Women whose hearts have been broken. I am a good listener and have a basic understanding in relationships that do not work out. My friend came over to my home, sat down in our large recliner and began to shared her sad experience with me. I listened to her sad story on how she was just dumped by her boyfriend with complete empathy. Then I said, with much sincerity and compassion in my heart, "He's a Jerk, dump Him." She then looked at me with total disbelief and said, "But I Cried a River". I then said, "Build a bridge and get over it". I don't think that was the response she was looking for and perhaps I should re-think my career goals in the field of relationships and romance.
Oh well, whatever I decide to do with my time I am sure it will be productive and fun. Maybe I will write a book. I sure do have alot of material to write about. It has been an interesting 59 years here on earth and I sure hope to have a lot more years to follow. Goodbye N&D, Route 2, Route 128, car poolers. It's been a great ride, but I'm not going to miss you.(except my car pool buddies, of course)
Darrell was talking about this yesterday. Wondering how your last day would go. You could always move to Utah for retirement and visit Frank on holidays and every fifth Sunday. The scary thing is I'm kinda serious!
You are too funny. I may consider it though. It is a little emotional today, but I am happy. See you all in a week.
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