Monday, June 25, 2007

"Green, Green, Grass of Home"

My Hubby felt sorry for me Saturday, when I dragged out the old lawn mower. I am the one in the family that does all of the yard work. Always have and always will. Don't feel sorry for me as I love it and it is my choice to do so. However, there are times that mowing the lawn, with this antique lawn mower is not the most pleasurable experience in the world. Especially, if you have had too many birthdays and have had too many aches and pains lately. I bet you that this relic is all of 15 years old. Hubby bought it at a yard sale so the age is really a mystery. It could very well be 20 or 25 years old. Every year when I drag it out of our storage shed it starts right up. No priming or hard to start pulls, just purrs like a kitten. It never fails me. It is not a self propelled one though, and through the years it is really hard to push.(like I said, too many birthdays) Last year I really thought it was the end of the mower. I backed up my car and ran over it. The wheels flattened out like a pancake and I thought for sure it was time to take it to lawn mower heaven. I gave it to a friend of mine that was to take it to the dump. I said my farewells and kissed it goodbye as I watched it go down the driveway. The next day, my friend returned with the lawn mower. He said he fixed the wheels and it started right up. I just can't seem to get rid of that old thing. I thought for sure this was the year I was getting my new lawn mower.

Hubby came home with a surprise for me in the back of his truck. It was a beautiful new green lawn mower with all of the bells and whistles you could imagine. It is self propelled, has a bag catcher, it mulches and does just about everything a real lawn mower should do. Hubby started it right up and away he went for a dry run. Ouch!!! I heard this loud, horrible noise. Hubby ran over something and the mower stopped. Now, Hubby never reads the instruction manual that comes with our new purchases. He is of the mind set that he can figure it out. Apparently, there is a kill switch somewhere on that machine that he can't find to start up the machine. I said, "read the instruction manual, Dear". "Not to worry, I will figure it out".

Well, I had things to get down that day and could not wait for Dear Old Hubby to figure it out. Soooo! I started up old faithful and finished my lawn like I had done for the past 15 years. Although I know that Hubby will figure it out eventually, and I mowed my lawn with the old fella for the last time, it was kinda sad to finally say goodbye to an old friend.

Ya know, I think I will keep the old mower and make it a lawn ornament. Maybe place a pot of flowers on its carb, or something. I think it has earned a place on the green, green grass of home.

1 comment:

Deborah Gamble said...

A lawn mower that earns it place in the lawn? I love it!